Use JICMAIL to improve results through a planned test and learn approach.
This means
- You can use the insight from JICMAIL to inform a test and learn approach for your campaigns including testing of innovation (e.g., QR codes).
- You can plan more effective campaigns by creating new mail content or audience targeting recommendations within a classic A/B testing approach.
For example, JICMAIL data tells us that including event information increases performance by 81% so it could be worth testing as a combination with your product/service information within a test sample, versus a product/service only control, to see which works best.

- Use JICMAIL’s test and learn toolkit in combination with your own knowledge of performance to inspire a series of structured tests using JICMAIL benchmarks and KPIs as benchmarks for the tests.
- Reference to JICMAIL insights and benchmarks, supports a commitment to continuous learning and a practice of systematic test and learn.
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