Please use this guide when you are using JICMAIL Discovery.

Please use this guide when you are using JICMAIL Discovery.


  • JICMAIL is based an ongoing study by Kantar which overcomes a number of inherent challenges in the recording of mail exposure. Mail is a directly addressable medium. Unlike TV or print, there is no other reason to interact with Door Drops, or Addressed Mail other than to engage with the advertising contained within. Simply asking people how often they are exposed to mail fails to capture the full picture. 
  • These challenges present methodological opportunities for JICMAIL. A rotating panel of over 1000 households a month completes a diary-based app in which they capture an image of every mail item they receive in a week, record what type of mail it is and who sent it, and then record exactly what they did with the item both immediately and over a 28 day period. A household co-ordinator (whose responsibility it is to collect, sort and distribute the post) records all mail activity for all household members. 
  • The list of physical interactions that can be recorded for mail items includes opening, reading, filing away and throwing away amongst many others. This rich picture of how mail is interacted with contributes to a calculation of frequency of exposure – a figure which, along with reach, can be analysed for multiple mail types and audiences.

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- The following physical mail action contribute to the JICMAIL measure of frequency of exposure.

  • Opened it;
  • Threw it away
  • Recycled it
  • Read/looked/glanced at it;
  • Took it out of the house ( work);
  • Put it on display (e.g. on a fridge, noticeboard);
  • Used/did something with the information;
  • Filed it for reference or records;
  • Passed it on/left out for the person it's for;
  • Put it in the usual place;
  • Put it aside to look at later.

Engagement Rate refers to the percentage of mail items which have any of the above actions taken with them apart from being immediately thrown away only.

JICMAIL also measure a range of commercial actions which are available across multiple categories and mail types, but do not contribute to a measure of frequency:

  • Bought something/made a payment or donation in a shop
  • Bought something/made a payment or donation online
  • Bought something/made a payment or donation by other means (e.g. by post of phone)
  • Used a voucher/discount code
  • Planned a large purchase
  • Discussed with someone
  • Ordered a catalogue
  • Visited sender's shop/office
  • Visited sender's website
  • Searched online for more information
  • Looked up my account details
  • Used a tablet or smartphone
  • Called the sender
  • Posted a reply to the sender
  • Emailed the sender
  • Downloaded or used senders app
  • Used a QR code


ITEM REACH: The number of people in a household exposed to the average mail item.

  • When split out by household demographics, Item Reach refers to reach within households containing someone of that demographic. For example, Item Reach for social grade AB refers to reach within households containing an AB adult - irrespective of whether the mail item was targeted at that AB adult or not.
  • LIFE SPAN: The average number of days that a mail item is live in the home – i.e. the duration of time between a mail item being logged and being thrown away. 
  • EXPOSURE INDEX: The likelihood of a target audience to be exposed to mail at any level of frequency. An index of 100 represents the likelihood of the average UK adult to be exposed to the mail type selected. 
  • FREQUENCY: The number of times a mail item has a physical action taken with it over the course of a twenty eight day period.
  • ATTENTION: The number of seconds that a mail item is physically interacted with for over the course of a 28 day period

ITEM REACH, ATTENTION and LIFE SPAN DATA should be sourced according to this naming convention:

JICMAIL ITEM DATA Q1 2023 to Q4 2023, and include the sample size displayed

EXPOSURE INDEX and FREQUENCY DATA should be sourced according to this naming convention:

JICMAIL AUDIENCE DATA Q1 2023 to Q42023, and include the sample size displayed

MOSAIC Classifications

For further information on the MOSAIC Classifications used by JICMAIL please refer to

ACORN Classification

For further information on ACORN Classifications used by JICMAIL please refer to and the PDF guide

Social Grade

For further information on Social Grades used by JICMAIL, please refer to the Market Research Society social grade definitions doc:

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