Optimising your mail campaign targeting when prospecting for new customers and building loyalty is a crucial consideration for boosting campaign effectiveness, and for this reason JICMAIL is delighted to announce a partnership with Starcount.
Watch this short video to see how the combination of social, census, banking and mail exposure data can be used to target highly engaged prospects across a range of industry sectors.
Starcount has created a UK-wide data set to show what channels people in each postcode follow on social media (categorised into interests such as fitness, health, environment, veganism etc). It is used to find out what the residents of the postcode love and care about, as a best predictor of how likely they are to make a purchase.
The data is anonymous and aggregated to full postcode level (which includes on average 15 households). There is also the ability to look at neighbouring lookalike postcodes to enrich the profile of any postcode with less than 10 households. This is to prevent the reveal of any individual’s data and ensure that Starcount is a privacy first tool.
The data has been matched to postcodes of JICMAIL respondents and Starcount has analysed the corresponding social media profiles of the types of audiences that positively respond to mail from different industry sectors.
Starcount and JICMAIL have in turn created a targeting product which shows all the postcodes across the UK which are more likely to positively respond to mail based on their social media behaviours.
There are a number of off-the-shelf targets available in the Retail, Grocery, Charity, Financial Service, Automotive, Government sectors and also one for targeting younger digital natives. Each audience can also be tailored upon request.
This is a mail targeting tool that brings digital data into the mail channel for acquisition and retention targeting, and furthermore can be used in the targeting of multi-channel campaigns.
For more information, please get in touch.
Download Now - Overview of Starcount & JICMAIL data partnership
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