A panellist is considered active if they are eligible for the survey and regularly entering items and actions taken within their household (or returning questionnaires in the case of our offline panellists). All panellists are given the “Active” status until they are identified as inactive, ask to be removed. If they are identified by one of these processes they are set to “Dropped” whereby stopping their participation.


Our panellists receive prompts to ensure they remain engaged in their tasks and up-to-date with their data entry. These prompts are designed to remind panellists without unduly affecting the data recorded by them. The prompt currently received by our panellists are:

  • Pop-up notification at the end of the first rotation week
  • Email reminder at the end of the fourth rotation week


Our panel is cleaned regularly around the 15th day of the month. Any panellist meeting the criteria below is removed from the panel:

  • Panellists who have not logged in for four weeks – excluding panellists who registered holidays or gave helpdesk an explanation for inactivity.
  • Panellists who have not entered any items/actions for five weeks - excluding panellists who registered holidays or gave helpdesk an explanation for inactivity.
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